25 day Countdown to my 300th post - Day 23
Week #67 my 21st TT
OK time to post this baby. I wrote this a long time ago and have had it in my drafts. This is a list of blogs that I used to read every day. It was from when I first started doing Thursday Thirteen a few months after starting blogging.
I still try to read them regularly, but of course I've added some more to my repetoire now too and there are even more that I read periodically that I do enjoy!
Some from below are expired blogs or ones on hiatus.
Some from below are expired blogs or ones on hiatus.
I just thought that since I am counting down to my 300th post I would post the list as it was initially written and add my recent editorial comments.
I feel like this is the list that Austin Powers was going through when he came back to the nineties from the 60's and realized he had missed out on a lot that changed.
- Speckled Pup - on hiatus
- R's Waste of Space - now defunct
- Lizzie Daisy's Stopping Traffic - on the lam (hee!)
- The Kept Woman - funny female shit
- Kami's DallasK's - dallas bitch
- Snow Trapped Cheeky - our singer, still a regular read!
- Fleur de Lisa - fabulous fotographer and meme sharer
- The Dackel Princess - doggies r us
- The Mayhem Tank - ranter and raver
- The Naked Nerd - funny male shit
- Raw Matt - my first blogger pal!
Your name here
I will have to check some of those out!
Happy TT.
There were a couple of those I didn't know.
Oh, and my name is number 13...right? Right. ;)
Isn't it funny how we make TT drafts or think about TT topics almost everyday? I will think of something and be like, hey that would make a great 13. Then when it comes time to write my 13, I forgot what it was I had thought about doing.
I still read about 1/2 a dozen of the very first blogs I found ... like slipping into old warm slippers!
it's always nice to get recommendations on good blogs to visit... I will definitely check out some of them...
Love that post!!!!! I like to research new places
Thanks for sharing your "old" favourite blogs with us. I'll have to bookmark this post and come back later to check out the ones I'm not familiar with.
Happy T13. :)
Thank you for selecting me to be #9!!!! I feel honord!
can't pass up something called the naked nerd!
Always like good links. I'll check these ones out later..
ha - yes, I'll have to check out the naked nerd, too...fun list!!
Happy TT.
I'll check some later have first to go through my Thursday 13 !
Do you know by any chance what the word is for Stuff Portrait ? I can't find anything !
It's nice to "dig out" old bloggers !
made you discover blogger, don't you love it??
Wow! I wonder how many of the first blogs I read are still around.
My 27th is up.
Ooohz! Some fun things to check out!
Aha, fun list, old blogs.... I see I have missed some of them. Bummer :-)
Awww, thank you for putting me on your list. I am honored. Even if it's called "old" (I kept typing odd instead.) Does that mean I'm old too? LOL
I met the cutest little Irish man today and thought of you. He was telling me about having too many pints at the pub and not knowing where he woke up in the morning. He's 70 years old and as cute as a leprechaun!
I miss the Pup. I also miss my old blog. You were one of my first regulars. Thanks for remembering.
I keep a couple of things in draft either thinking about it or for a busy day. These look good.
My TT is up. http://collectingmythoughts.blogspot.com/2006/11/thursday-thirteen-13-things-about-my.html
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