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Monday, October 02, 2006

Monday Memories - Embarrassing Moment

Have you ever had one of those busy busy harried days where it doesn't even seem you have time to stop and go to the bathroom?

Well, when I was in my mid twenties, a young cost accountant, and trying to make my mark in the world of Finance, it was one of those busy days.

Well finally about mid afternoon I could not wait any longer. I quickly stopped at the ladies room, did my wee-wees, washed my hands and headed out the door.

Feeling great relief, my focus was back on the next task at hand. I needed to go see someone and their office was in another area of the complex. To get there I needed to go to the other end of the plant and take a short tunnel to the office tower.

So I headed off, pad and pencil in hand, thinking about what I needed to discuss with the associate I was going to meet. I was dressed in a stylish grey pleated skirt and blouse, popular during the 1980's.

Unbeknownst to me, I walked the full length of the manufacturing floor before I realized that a portion of the pleats of my skirt at the back was tucked up into my pantihose.

I felt N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

It wasn't until someone pointed it out to me and I almost died of embarrassment.

I guess that's akin to a guy with his fly is down.

Has this ever happened to you or have you ever had to tell someone about their predicament?


Anonymous said...

Ohh...that is embarrasing. It sounds like you are sort of able to laugh about it a little now.

I had a very embarrasing moment that involved me and a friend running into a men's room (instead of a ladie's room) once at the Science Center ~ to spit out some astronaut strawberries we sampled.

I'm sure everyone can identify a bit with your moment ~ Happy Monday!

mist1 said...

I humiliate myself daily. Keeps me humble.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was too funny, must laugh :-)

I probably would have been the one telling you about it. I usually am rather straight forward about most things.

OH, yes, been through some incidents. It's fun.


Carmen said...

Ha ha ha. I'm not laughing at you, but rather WITH you. :) (are you laughing?) I've never had it happen to me, but I've heard about it happening to others.

Michele said...

Oh my, too funny, never happened to me but heard of it happening to others. Mine's up http://micheled.blogspot.com/

Shannon said...

That DID happen to me. I was 14 yrs.old and walking down the hall of my church. AND, I was wearing my ugly brown print undies (they matched my brown pleated skirt). Oh yeah, lived that one down in a hurry.

Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I can honestly say that has NEVER happened to me.......I would be so mortified......Hope you had on some cute panties though :)

Mathieu said...

Embarassing indeed :)

Got that number for bloggersanonymous?

Kare said...

I know the feeling.

I was in my late 20's. Working at an office in downtown Calgary. Went out to the front of the building. Ran into a fellow from the other office. The man office. No women at all worked there. Stopped and chatted.
Big wind came along. Blew my 90's dress right up past my waist. I had on pantyhose but no undies.
I knew he was dying to get back to the office to tell all the guys. And I would see them everyday.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen what I look like!?