Week # 55, my #10 TT Get the T13 code or view other Thursday Thirteens
Received this from a friend in an email. I've saved my favourite pictures that mean most to me and added some of my own editorial! Hope you enjoy!
1. You had that Fisher Price Doctor 's Kit with a stethoscope that actually worked.
2. Your bicycle had a banana seat like this 'cept it also had a plastic basket with flowers on it. 3. Oh, and your rollerblades looked like this.
4. You owned klick-klacks and smacked yourself in the face more than once.
5. You had a bowl cut or pixie and sometimes were mistaken for a boy.
6. As you grew older your toys became more mature and your reading material expanded.
7. Questions like "Will I marry David Cassidy?" were often asked of the great OUIJA board at slumber parties.
8. We used to tape record songs off the radio by holding our portable tape player up to the speaker.
9. Your fashion sense grew and you often sported such classy duds as ponchos and gauchos.10. Hey gauchos are back in style! I have a pair like this now in brown!
11. And who can forget the ever popular clogs by Dr. Scholls.
Many an ankle bone hurt after being smacked by these babies. But that didn't matter. Style was everything ... hey wait style is still everything! hee
12. We wore Love's Baby Soft cologne ... ...lots of it ... and felt especially pretty!
13. Speaking of Love, our favourite TV show was Loveboat. Who would have thought that such a goofy looking bunch of characters could make us feel so wonderful?!!
I grew up in the 80's but I do remember those bicycles with the banana seats... I even had one! And, of course I had rollar skates too!! I love those gaucho pants! They are so cute!
I remember sitting by the radio, waiting for my favorite song to start. Then, I had to be still and quite while it recorded. Man, things have changed! Great list! Happy TT!
I remember the banana seats and I could roller skate as soon as I learned to walk good!
Oh my gosh, I love it. You put a lot of thought into your Thursday 13. I graduated in 81, so I guess I grew up in the 70's. You really took me back. In fact it wasn't too long ago I was looking at the Sunday paper and screamed out when I saw that gouchos were back in. I made a pair of those in 7th grade sewing class. The comments you made with each item, well, I would say the same thing for almost every one.
I love your list. My daughter had a bike with the banana seat, and it's still in our basement.
My TT is up.
Oh.mi.gosh! That was great! I love "memory lane" T13s!
I totally forgot about Love's Baby Soft. I remember I couldn't wait to be old enough to use it ;)
Happy T13! Great list! My list is up, too!
I am SO a 70's girl! I never had a banana seat bike and my click clacks were the kind on a string that would potentially shatter and you would lose an eye, LOL! Thanks for the T13, great list!
ps...remember Skin by Bonnie Bell!? That was my fav sent and I swore David Cassidy would find me just by the smell of it!
Oh yeah I remember a lot of those things. We called #4 Clackers though and yes I did get hit in the head with them a few times. LOL Leif Garret and Matt Dillon were my crushes and for some reason I really liked the Bay City rollers.
I'm a girl of the 80's, but I know quite a lot on your list, because my sister is 10 years older. And I still love Loveboat! :-)
My TT is about my new kitten.
Oh wow!! The memories from your list!! I had the infamous Dr. Scholls, had to beg my mom to get them... and Love's Baby Soft. Great list!! My TT is up!
Happy Thursday!
#8! I did that! I was so impressed with radios with tape decks when I got older. Then duel tape decks!
Oh my goodness. I do so love to go down memory lane. Gaucho pants?!!! How could I have forgotten those? Good grief. I had some. But I never had a poncho! Never. And won't have one either. LOL
Great memory lane today.
Thanks for tripping up memory lane. Although I wasn't a girl in the seventies (and oddly I'm not a girl now) I have sisters who were.
Thanks for stopping by my T13.
BTW I love your logo. (She got legs... she knows how to use them...)
Oh, memories!!! I was just thinking about the portable tape player the other day as my son was loading his iPod...times have changed. Enjoyed your TT. Happy thursday!
80s but I still remember some of those! Happy TT - ours is up!
Ooh, I LOVED my clogs SO SO MUCH! And my roller skates! :)
What a great list. I grew up in the 70's and had all these. I loved David Cassidy! LOL
What a terrific list! I loved my bicycle with the banana seat and basket with flowers. Saturday night was the night for The Love Boat. I looked forward to it every week. How sad! LOL ;-)
Great pics.
I remember so many of those things! Although I didn't wear gauchos then and I won't wear them now, just can't do it...
I totally had that bicycle.
Oh my gosh, that was great! The pictures really helped too, LOL :) I used to save up my allowance for Tiger Beat magazines, and I had one of those eight balls and some of those horrible sandals :) And I have fond memmories of sitting and watching Love Boat with my mom (who is no longer with us). What a wonderful trip down memory lane, thanks!
Have a great day, mine is up too...
Oh my, I totally forgot about Love's Baby Soft and Dr. Scholls (hated those sandals...remember Candies?)!! What a GREAT List!!!
Stop by my TT too!
That was really funny, the photos are excellent. I think those Dr Scholl's are still for sale...!
Great TT and mine is up too
Now I AM old -- this was all about my daughters! But I remember all those things so well. Great TT!
LOL! Well, yes, that's me. Love's Baby Soft, Gauchos and not David - but Shawn - Cassidy!
Enjoy your Thursday!
From that list I would gues that I am about 2 or 3 years younger than you, but who knows?
Oh, that is a cool T13, I so LOVE the pictures too! You did this one gooood :-)
Great TT
My TT is up
Have a wonderful Thursday!
DUDE!!! I LOVE IT!!!! EVERY LAST one of these ... ME! Although, I don't think my mother allowed me to have klick klacks due to my lack of coordination! But I did have me some skates like those! In fact, I had the metal ones that you strapped onto your tennis shoes, and tightened with a key underneath.
I so had the medical kit.. That thing got so much play...I remember the clogs and baby soft.. wow this post brought back some memories :) I was born in 75 and still remember most of them..lol
That tape recorder brought back so many memories! What a great T13! Thanks!
What a great Thursday 13! I'm more of an 80's gal, but I do remember having the Fisher Price dr. set. Looooved it! And I had the bike w/ the banana seat and big wicker basket. Hot! The gauchos are so cute too. Who'd have thought that stuff would come back?
Very cool! Brought back a lot of memories.
hahahahahaha that list was great, especially #8
Are you suggesting that this stuff isn't in style now. It just hit our shelves weeks ago.
Guess you live in the cool part of Canada..
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