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Sunday, October 08, 2006

SOS - Sunday Only Speak + HB Spikey!

Fair warning - my Sunday Only Speak is a little twisted this week, not true to my usual spiritual and pious self. LOL Who am I kidding?

Well, let's just say that I'm feeling a little jovial, silly and need to keep it light this week. (Note to self: must start tracking on calendar when I get into these moods to see how they are related to my cycle. Who I am kidding? I'm too lazy to do that. Any of you peeps want to do it for me?)

You knew this was coming if you read my post yesterday - even my Saturday Photo hunt had some sly injected nuggets of some sleeping 'inanimate' objects that were funny in my head.

Ahem... so let me continue by saying first off and foremost (lurve that speechy prose), I mean no disrespect to a Mrs. Lisa Whelchel Caubel when I refer you to this site THE BLAIR NECESSITIES and particularly this post Mother, the Car Is Here which an analysis of Lisa's own blog entry called The Vermont Bike Trip in Lisa's own journal. Many of you will remember Lisa as 'Blair' from the comedy series "The Facts of Life".

No seriously folks, those that know me know my faith is real and deep, and lying around this house someplace (here I go again . . . :-) God, I know you have a sense of humour, I mean no disrespect to you either), and I'm happy for the Lord's love that she experiences and that deep faith that Lisa evangelizes herself.

No really, in many ways my Sunday Only Speak and some other posts are my own way of doing the same. I'm just like to keep it light and not force things on to people when they are not ready. I have experienced the same joy that Lisa shares, I just don't share it out as openly, and from time to time, still do struggle with my faith, as all humans do.

So in the spirit of "God has a sense of humour" and "still loves us despite all of our failings" I encourage you to read Mother, the Car Is Here . If you'd prefer to do as I do and read Lisa's own blog entry first in it's entirety you will find it here oh and part two is here. I promise you will find it f.u.n.n.y.

Now I'm must go baste my turkey again.
Happy Thanksgiving to all you Canucks!

OH and . . .

Go show him some love!


Anonymous said...

Happy turkey basting to you, ICL. I looked at the link to Lisa's site and it was indeed funny! :-)

Anonymous said...

Damn! Thats awesome! Here is to ummmmmmmmmmmm, The office??? cheers