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Thursday, January 11, 2007


THE Office Recap:

~ wow! Dwight resigned! Lots of big plot action happening on The Office these days!

Michael was so tame and well behaved tonight. It's the best I've ever seen him.

What's with the Duffus (I don't remember his name) trying to move out the Shrute-meister?

Oh.my.dog the picture of Dwight and Jim when they went out on their first sales call was so cute!!

In honour of Dwight, shucks we're gonna miss him:



Anonymous said...

My son and I both thing Dwight is hilarious! :-) Hee heee!

mist1 said...

I am going to hold my breath until they bring Dwight back.

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Oh I really liked the song that The Duffus guy sang after Dwight resigned. That was priceless!

MaR said...

It's not available here. Yet.
So I am not peeking!

Anonymous said...

His name is Andy! His singing is great! Not one of the funniest episodes this season but a good plot developing. No worries kids, Dwight will be back!

" I dont want to end up in the chocolate river"

Anonymous said...

I just watched my first episode last night and I miss Dwight already..

Anonymous said...

What a plot. Great practical Joke. Thanks for sharing. Haven't seen it in Europe yet. Worth leaving the blog-world for a while?

Anonymous said...

DWIGHT'S MY FAVORITE!!! i actually think that his girlfriend will fess up to bring him back, and the other guy will be sent "down the chocolate river". he stinks! i refuse to believe he is actually gone. and ok, this was one of the funniest offices i've seen. the makeovers. the jim and dwight picture. jim slapping dwight. all of it was hysterical!

Anonymous said...

You know I've heard so much about this show, yet have never seen it.
You've inspired me to get with it!
Take care,