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Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Office ~ Business School

OK great episode tonight. Michael makes a total ass of himself and Ryan's business school but redeems himself when he goes to see Pam's art exhibit and saves her spirit. Oh yeah, there was a bat in there somewhere too!

My favourite parts:
~ Jim acting like he was becoming a vampire
~ Dwight seriously believing him
~ Ryan thinking he was being fired by Michael but he was just moving his desk.
~ Kelly being delighted

What was your favourite part?

Bonus: Check out some classic Angela lines


Anonymous said...

I felt sad for Pam.
But I did laugh at the look on the students face when his book was being torn up. And I thought it was funny when Micheal hit that kid in the head with the chocolate bar..

Anonymous said...

I have never watched this show other than on commercials. In fact I don't really watch many shows that have humor to them. More a serious CSI kind of person.

I do hear it is good!

Anonymous said...

Loved the chocolate bar(s) speech at school. I will admit it, I almost lost it when Michael and Pam had that moment at the end. Im a sensitive man of the 2000s.!

RYC, actually The Boy only takes showers and that pic happend to be taken right after his shower and her bath. We have it all planned out !