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Saturday, March 31, 2007

No more blogging?

The Big Google Dupe

Ya, right. I think I'm pretty hooked. I don't think I could stop blogging. But, just in case you're wondering, I am going to cut back a bit, prolly not post every day like I have been.

The weather is getting nice out. I have lots to do around the homefront and I think it's better that I concentrate my energies there than into something I enjoy. LOL

If I do anything heroic, stupid, entertaining or otherwise during this concentration of my energies, (there may be plenty of opportunities, folks!), I will be back here later to blog about it.

I'm not gonna play SPH today. Here's a picture of water posted previously for another photo meme. Cheater cheater, pumpkin eater!

If you feel inclined, please visit my photoblog and vote for some of my photos for JPG magazine if you like them. The link is in the top post. Ya they suck compared to all of the submissions so go take a look.

Oh and while I'm stooping to brazen bloggert begging, asking you to do that, I'm also going to ask if you see the following little symbol on my blogs that looks like this Irish Bloggers, can you click on it and vote for me? It's for IrishBlogs and you'll find it on the following of my sites:

Sláinte ~ It’s only Me ~ this site ~ under category Blogging
ICL Snaps ~ me photoblog ~ under Leisure (there was no photography category)
Irish and Loving It ~ The Video Blog ~ under Music
All about ICL ~ Memes and Stuff ~ under Personal
ICL Plays ~ Comics, Jokes, Lotsa fun stuff ~ under Humour

I have a small chance of moving up the chain if I get a few votes so it would be much appreciated.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and great weather, wherever you are!!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you completely. The only reason I'm not actively blogging at the mo is because we have to be packed up by the end of April and I have an entire house to box up!

Things are progressing, thankfully. Florida - here we come! LOL.

Interesting post, as always.

Hope you're well, ICL!

Unknown said...

I'm cutting back a bit too. There's just too many other things to do with my time right now. I love to be outside! I hope you have a fantastic weekend too. :-) :hugs:

Ingrid said...

I really hope it will rain a lot at your place so that you can't work in your garden and HAVE to blog everyday ! Or take a gardner like Lady Chatterly isn't that a great idea ? But then maybe you don't have time either to blog. I will come and visit you and interrupt your gardening challenges ! Tomorrow you should be in Brussels and do some shopping on the Midi Market. I bought very nice jeans there for only 5 € !

Talamasca said...

Blogging is soooo goddamn addictive like that, yo!

Anyhoo, I was pimped by the Queer Chef! I'm loving it here!!!

Anonymous said...

I am addicted to blogging but things seems to get busier for me to blog everyday but I usually make sure I can blog once or twice a week. It is actually nice to do that since your readers will not miss something and also they will await for your next entry with glee

Ingrid said...

I forgot to tell you that we saw the Niagara Falls on the Canadian side, therefore I can pretend I have been in Canada ! It's more beautiful and impressive on the Canadian side then on the American side we had been told over here. So we opted for Canada. And it's true because afterwards I saw pictures from the American side. So if you go there stay in your country ! The only deplorable thing is the tourist stuff they built around !

Anonymous said...

Butt I'm sure that you would want to know this:

The winner of the crazy hat parade is announced!

Don't miss the new port tomorrow - Iceland - or the new event on Wednesday - 1 photo from somewhere you've been and have strong memories from - beautiful or whatever.

Suzanne R said...

I seem to be hooked on blogging and can't quite bring myself to cut back, even when I don't have that much to say. ;-)

Thanks for stopping by the other day, ICL! It was good to see you!

I have voted for you and will do so again!

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Carol ~ And good luck with that dear girl!!! Hope it all goes smoothly~

Lisa ~ Thanks for the well wishes and I did have a great weekend and hope you did too!

Gattina ~ LOL re the gardening interruptions! I loved the market at your place! Great virtual shopping, indeed!

I've often heard your comment about the US vs. Cdn side of Niagara Falls but have never seen it for myself! Only from the Cdn side so good to know it's the more impressive view LOL ~ I agree about the tourist part. I don't like that at all. The parks down by the Falls are beautiful though.

Talamasca ~ thanks for stopping by
(blushes), I'm glad you see my predicament too!!

Chase ~ glee - I like that word and good strategy BTW!

Capn Crazy LC ~ but of course and great congratulations all 'round to Gattina. It was a crazy parade!!!

Suzanne ~ Thanks for the visit and vote ~ very kind. I must have lost you when I switched to bloglines. I don't play SPF much anymore so that may be why too! Ta ta for now!