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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cats on Tuesday

see Gattina's Cats-on-Tuesday ~ a must read for all you cat fanciers!!

CLANCY!Clancy - my cat. I adopted him from someone at work. He was my first ginger tabby and he was a domestic short hair. He was a great cat. Orange cats tend to be very friendly. Did you know that? He got sick and died suddenly when he was only about 8 years old. I was devastated and it took me months before I was ready to replace him because I thought he was such a perfect cat.

I have no pictures because it was before the days of digital cameras and I'm too lazy I have no time to scan one in but he looked like this.


FelineFrisky said...

I have a ginger tabby, named Tucker. He is such a gentle, free spirit.

thank for the Tail of Clancy!

D :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I didn't know that ginger cats were supposed to be friendly! Interesting!

Sorry to hear you lost Clancy at a relatively young age, and suddenly. :(

Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm sorry about your beloved Clancy! I really miss my Wibba! I feel like I am still getting over losing him (back in September).


Ingrid said...

I love ginger tabby cat also very much, is still my dream. A few years ago one just moved in and he was soooo cute, we called him Otto. But Otto didn't like cats and attacked my Lisa and others, he was really dangerous to them. I had to give him to a friend who had lost her cat and there he still is happy and an "only" cat ! He must be at least 15 years old by now.
BTW Arthur loves to sleep in cars, not only in ours unfortunately ! and he gets very angry when you want to take him out. Otherwise he is a very peaceful cat and would never hiss or scratch at you. But here he defended his favourite place ! When Mr.Gattino came back it was all forgotten and Arthur slept on his knees !

srp said...

I had never heard that fact about ginger cats either. I had a ginger tabby cat when I was little. He was very fat and cuddly. We had to move and he couldn't go so we found a nice lady who loved him and he then got bigger. Then he really became a "fat cat".

Anonymous said...

Awww...Clancy. (I hope I am not double posting; my other comment didn't seem to go through). Cute animation.

kuanyin333 said...

I had no idea orange cats were friendlier...thanks for the trivia! My page is loading faster now...I've worked to eliminate some of the stuff slowing it down. Happy COT!

Andree said...

My Amy loves ginger tabbies. I have heard that they are predominantly male. I have never looked this up to verify or refute, but it's fascinating. Sort of like the male equivalent of calico and tortie being female.

RennyBA said...

Sorry to express so little knowledge about cats among experts but what is a ginger tabby? (the link didn't work!)

Anonymous said...

I have a book in my classroom for my little pupils. It's the story of a funny orange cat. He takes his time sitting as a yogi under a tree and all the mouses and the birds of the forest are laughing on him! At night, he want to catch them because he's hungry but all animal can see him, orange, in the night! One day he goes to the town where he thinks better live! He goes in the dust-bin and find the fish bones but the cats of the town are very bad with him and a big dog saves him! So they become friend and the dog learns to the cat tocatch the sausages of the butcher! But the butcher wants to kill them! They are so afraid that they come back to the forest with the mouses and birds who are very happy to see again their orange cat! Dog and cat decide to live here in peace with the forest 's animals and to eat only cheese!
I can say that my little pupils adore the story of the orange cat!
Bisous claudie

Irish Church Lady :) said...

FelineFrisky ~ awwwww what a nice name!!! He sounds like one cool dude!!

Dragonheart ~ in my experience they have always been friendly. I haven't met one yet that isn't. Readers?

Sword Girl ~ I'm sorry about your Wibba! It does take a long time to get over. For me it was over six months before I would even think of replacing him.

Gattina ~ Oh funny Otto! I'm glad he got his own place to be King in! Arthur definitely does want to be a mechanic or race car driver!! LOL

srp ~ I love fat ginger cats too! Thanks for sharing your little tale of your kitty!!

Damozel ~ Thanks! Yes I was happy to find a little gif that was just like him!!

Kuanyin ~ great stuff, I'm coming over soon!

meeyauw ~ Yes it's true they are predominantly male. Click on the link above, it wasn't working before but now you will see some interesting information and support of this. I know of some orange cats being female but not very many at all. Whereas I don't believe there are any male calico cats. I didn't know all tortie's were female, though!

RennyBA ~ whoops, sorry and thanks for pointing it out. I've fixed the link. A ginger tabby is an orange domestic cat. Thanks for daring to express your ignorance! You rock!!

claudie ~ Awwwww what a nice story of the orange cat!!! Thanks for sharing what your little ones love to hear! Very heartwarming!