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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Happy Hump Day

Captain Lifecruiser wants us to post a picture of a travel memory. Mine is over on my photoblog ICL SNAPS so it can be big and SPECTACULAR!!!

A new meme from Janna that's going around is at About ICL

Foto Pherrets will be up at ICL is at Home

Some TT Easter Headers over at ICL Plays

So we have a couple of ducks that seem to be making a splash on the top of our pool cover. They came back two days in a row now.

The video is pretty quiet, at first, while my husband is filming them and then the male duck (the prettier one) starts playing hanky panky with the female, only she doesn't seem to want much part of it!

Get this, he thought they were Canada Geese!! Partway through my daughter comes to look and the conversation ensues, where he learns his bird species. (I told him later he needs to wear his glasses more!!).

He finally let Daisy out but she was too afraid to go down and the ducks didn't fly away. Lots of poop on the concrete pool deck though. Oh joy!

So you can see how dull and blah it is here still but at least the snow is gone!


Ingrid said...

Romeo and Julia in your swimming pool ! and don't point out that in animal world the male is prettier ! with humans it's just the opposite !

(Give me the gun ! Shame on him !)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha that is so nice! Well I dont have a dog here yet but if I do they have the whole lake to swim with

RennyBA said...

Great vid - nice to see spring is in the air at your place too!
And I must admit I understand your man asking for his gun:-)

Marisa said...

Canada Geese? Seriously! LOL

mist1 said...

I used to have 20 ducks in my pool. Now, I only have 13. It's still a lot of crap.

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Gattina ~ that's what me daughter said.

Chase ~ sounds fantastic if you live near a lake! I'm afraid our pool looks a lot worse with all that green algae floating around. We usually open it near the end of May.

Renny ~ the male species! Sometimes we want to throw them in the lake~!~! lol

Marisa ~ ya he must be blind as a bat. I think I'd better be afraid of driving with him now without his glasses!

Mist ~ they're so cute until they poop!!

ALRO said...

Ya.. I have ducks greet me every morning at work lately... there's always one or two just sitting on the side-walk near my front door.. very bizarre..

TorAa said...

so fun watching the duckies, playing like kittens. but is was a bit scary to see you, like a frozen iceberg, in the pool;)))

Anonymous said...

I love Mallard ducks....and tell your husband no shooting at the ducks!!!!! LOL.

Heather said...

Those ducks are funny! I hate duck poop though, Wolfie likes to eat it!!

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Alro ~ funny but watch your step!!

TorAa ~ lol and you know today (Good Friday) it so cold that the water is frozen over again on the pool!

Michelle ~ he has no more guns and he's a converted animal lover now. All talk and no action! lol

GG ~ Wolfie stay away from that duck poop. It ain't doggy doodie candy!!

Mr Fab ~ yup!