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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Joyous Easter!

He is Risen

Inspired by music and Patricia today (she has an awesome video and pictures at her site today), I give you one of my all time favourite hymns that sums up my relationship with the Lord.

It's called "Here I am to Worship"

The song is brilliantly performed by Michael W. Smith with great backup vocals.

The picture collage done by Lili is awesome, showing some great spots in the world and his wondrous creation.

Happy Happy Joy Joy Easter Easter to all of you and yours!


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to you and all of your family also, espeically the curly furry ones!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to you and to your family!

Bellezza said...

I LOVE THAT SONG!!! There's nothing like good worship music; it makes me cry even when I'm happy.

Happy Easter, ICL.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful song! I see that easter is a very big fest in every country! Be careful with chocolates! i think, I must now stop with them! If I can!
If you have time I invite you in my cabin on the cyber cruise shift to taste " L'agneau Pascal", a special food we eat for easter in France!
Have a marvelous monday!
Gros bisous!

Christie O. said...

It's the happy happy joy joy song!! oh how i miss ren and stimpy! happy easter to you darling!! by the way.. the office was HYSTERICAL this week!!!!!!

Ingrid said...

To be honnest when I read "hymn" I thought "church" and church hymns" = funeral songs. So a little reluctantly I clicked and found a wonderful song that I listened to the very end and seeing all these pictures of different countries made me thoughtful and I realized that I have been in many of them and now thanks to Internet I can be in contact with people all over the world. Thanks for this beautiful song !

Bobkat said...

Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite singer for Christian music. I love his choices to perform and how one can feel his true love of God when he sings! Thanks for the great picture show to a wonderful song!

Hope you have a happy and blessed Easter!

Hootin Anni said...

I know this song by heart!!! It's my grandson's favorite too. He jives along with the lyrics...it's just so perfect for your Easter.

Love the animated stained glass image too!! Beautiful.

Good luck on your IrishBlog nomination.

Irish Church Lady :) said...

schnoodlepooh ~ Hope you and your furry ones had a lovely Easter as well! Thanks for coming by.

chase ~ likewise and did you eat the ears off your bunny yet?

Bellezza ~ isn't it a great one! Check out the really nice one on my other blog, About ICL, that I just found called Who am I?

claudie ~ lol I'm really happy that I managed to avoid most chocolate this weekend until this afternoon! Even then, I didn't overdo it! I'll be over soon!

Christie ~ yah I tuned in too late though. How come they put it on at 8 p.m. instead of 8:30? rrrrrr.... I was a little annoyed. I did managed to catch the last 15 mins which was pretty good.

Gattina ~ LOL you have not been to church for awhile I can tell. So much of the church music and hymns these days is so inspiring. I'm really glad you like this song and the slide show that went with it. There was a few other videos on YouTube I could have selected from but I liked Michael W. Smith's rendition and the pictures that went with this slide show. She did a great job with it!

Bob-kat ~ thanks and you too!

Debbie ~ he is very good. I have never listened to him before though I know this song from my church and do love it! Hope your Easter away was great too!

Hootin'Anni ~ Wow! I really picked a good song then for Easter. I'm so glad you like it as much as I do too!

RennyBA said...

I do agree; the hymns are beautiful!

So was your movee and the postcards from all over the world and with great music too - thanks for sharing! The one from Germany made me almost feel at home LoL

Btw: Since you liked my post about the Easter Bunny Egg hunt from last year, you might like to see this years adventures too:-)

Suzanne R said...

My AOL program lets the song play only in spurts but it sounds like it's a very nice one, from what I can hear of it. I hope you had a very nice Easter, ICL!

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Renny ~ I did not make the YouTube Video. It was made by a girl named Lili. It is beautiful isn't it. It's amazing how many neat videos you can find on YouTube and the internet in general.

I did go and check out your annual Easter post! Felt just like being there!

Suzanne ~ oops, sorry you couldn't hear it in full. It is really lovely as are all the songs I post *hork*