If you've given birth, was your labor more or less difficult than you expected? (If you haven't given birth, how do you think you'd do?)In honor of Labor Day here in the U.S., [and LABOUR Day in Canada ;) click on the word to find out why we spell it that way :0] here are today's questions....
Do you have any Labor Day weekend traditions?
No just the usual getting ready for back to school and savouring the last days of summer!
What was your first official (tax-paying) job?
I worked at a bakery part-time when I was fourteen but I got all my taxes back. So I guess it would have to be when I worked in Accounting for a summer job at Sears and then also other companies as a Co-op student. I started working full time in the Corporate Finance department of the last company I Co-oped with from university.
What profession do you think is under-appreciated?
I would like to say Nursing and Teaching because I know I could never do those jobs. My hubs would disagree totally and he does have a point, especially about teachers because they get the summer off [teachers put away your tomatoes! hee :)].
So I think it is any non-union and / or management job where you don't get paid overtime but it is expected that you work it because you're salary. Basically you end up working 50 hours a week just to keep up on the demands and deliverables, especially if you take any pride in your work.
Managing people is tough. Being a director is easier because you get staff members who are managers and therefore are a little more motivated and easier to manage. Managing non-managers is harder. You get a lot of wining to deal with. Managing directors must be a breeze. LMAO. I wouldn't know.
Do you have a dream job? If so, what would it be?
My only dream job would be something more glamourous and in a different field. I have always wanted to be a police officer. I think I would be good at detective work. I am also a fairly physical person (excluding housework LOL - but when I get going get out of my way ha ha).
I also think being an airline pilot and travelling a lot of different places would be so kool!
Basically what I have learned about myself is that I hate routine. I love change, I love trying new things. I hate when a job becomes monotonous or repetitive. That's basically why I got out of Finance (hated the month end close routine) and into IT and Project Management.
Problem solving and trouble shooting are a real challenge for me and I enjoy that. I just don't like the chasing of people (what I call wiping snotty noses and bums) part of PM. We're all professionals here. Do your job!
Basically it was because I had an emergency C-section and it all went downhill from there. You'll have to keep reading my blog to find out the rest of the story. I'll do it on a TT or MM (Monday Memories - not Manic Monday) - sometime soon. All pregnant ladies and those that haven't had their babies yet will be excused from reading.
Good MM Lisa, and here is her Manic Monday Meme site. Let her know if you play, 'kay. BTW you don't have to play every week. It's not one of those blogrolled memes. At least not yet, right Lis?! ;)
Blabbing topic ~ Memes
Labor....This I still can recall how I had so much difficulty. I labored more than 24 hours.
I've read about Steve Irwin. That's so horrible. I use to watch his shows at Animal Planet and thought his actions were so daring and seemed to be crazy for doing it. His death was so horrible too.
I have something to relay to you, can you email me? Can't seem to find your email address anywhere.
I played too!!
Labor Day in my country is celebrated May 1 which happens to be my hubby's birthday too. Most of the time, the leftist groups use this occasion to ventilate their grievances about how the labor force is neglected. This is not the happy type of celebration we look forward to. We just like the day because it's a holiday.
Enjoy your day!
Thanks for dropping by my site. I enjoyed your mm. You were very sweet to help that girl. I'm sure she thinks about your kindness often.
Can I just say 9 months of all-day long "morning sickness" that finally ended one week overdue in 27 hours of non-medicated labor that ended in a C-Section? Yep, that's my labor story. But my beautiful daughter was worth it all.
Thank you,, Irish Church Lady for tracking me down re: the honoring of Michael Lynch.
I've been anxious about finding out enough info. on him to adequately honor him. You are an answer to prayer.
I've worked with IT for 20 years and the last years of that with Project Management too, so I know what you're talking about.... The constant chasing of people to whip their a** when they just should be doing their work got me really tired of it. *sigh*
For me it suited me better when I just were doing software application development and were responsible for the servers, it was more peaceful, minding my own business :-)
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